A Christmas Gift from Above

We adopted Dinora from Guatemala at the age of 6 weeks, and I was so thrilled to have a daughter!!!  She came with a variety of diseases common in s 3
rd World Country, scabies, intestinal parasites and malnutrition.  But we loved her and fed her and she blossomed into an adorable baby with big black eyes and shiny black hair.

At the age of six months, it became apparent that Dinora was deaf.  She had not yet started to babble like other babies her age, but she also did not turn to her name, or looked at the dog when she barked, or seem to notice the footsteps of me coming into her bedroom.  She would be laying there awake when I walked in, (and, believe me, I am not light on my fight.)  When she finally would see me, she would startle.  She had not heard me.  The day I knew it for sure was a day she was sitting next to me on the floor while I was doing the dishes.  I accidentally dropped a huge lobster pot I was cleaning and it made a horrendous clang on the floor.  Dinora happily sat there playing, her back to the pan.  She did not startle.  She did not cry.  She did not hear it.

We then made the rounds of the doctors.  She flunked regular hearing tests, and had a brain stem evoked response test.  Her brain did not respond up to 90 decibels.  The doctor informed me that she was severely hearing impaired and that we would try hearing aids to maximize her hearing, although they would not be strong enough for her to hear normally.  They took the impressions for her ear molds.

That evening, our family went for a pre-Christmas visit to a shrine beautifully decorated with Christmas lights.  I was feeling sorry for myself.  I had a two year old son who was legally blind, and now I had an infant daughter who was deaf.

There was a statue of Our Lady of Lourdes surrounded by prayer water and many large candles.  There was also a large display of crutches and wheelchairs of people who had been healed by her.  I helped my son, Francis, who was 2 1/2 years old, light a candle. Because it was almost Christmas, and the only candles he had seen were on a birthday cake, he merrily sang “Happy Birthday Dear Jesus”.  I remember saying a non-de-script prayer, still upset that Dinora was deaf.  I still thanked God,  but was not quite as enthusiastic as usual.

The next morning, the dog barked and Dinora woke up!  I thought it was a coincidence until I started to walk into her room and she turned to smile at me. She had heard my footsteps!  I started talking to her and she started babbling back.  Only a day earlier she had been fitted with ear molds for hearing aids!  I excitedly called the doctor, who agreed to see her that day.  Her hearing was tested and it was normal!  Neither I nor the doctor could believe it.  He said in his 29 years as an ear doctor he had never seen anything like it.  He told me that it had to be an “Christmas miracle from Above”.  The visit the night before to the shrine came to mind.  A miracle HAD occurred, and I was  embarrassed because I had not thanked God more enthusiastically the night before. He had granted me a miracle even though I did not ask for one.

Dinora is now 28 years old and has had perfect hearing ever since that day! And I have lived life with a peaceful,generous heart because I know, without any doubt, that God is with me.


Comments on: "A Christmas Gift from Above" (71)

  1. What a beautiful story. A true miracle. God bless.

  2. strawberryquicksand said:

    I, too, was stone deaf when I was an infant. My parents realised when they were playing the 1812 overture on the record player and I didn’t even turn my head at the huge noise the canons firing in it made. They took me to the doctor who pronounced me deaf, and said I would be lucky to ever hear. At some point I regained my hearing after that and have perfect hearing ever after.

  3. Just the thing I needed to hear today. God is present and active in our world today, even when we cannot hear Him.

  4. Reblogged this on The Cool Christians Club and commented:
    This blog is inspirational and this post says it all! Enjoy!

  5. It is so important to share this story in a day and time when doubt and naysayers are so vocal and visible. The truth of this story is so vital to us recouping our inspiration and belief that miracles do happen. Thank you for sharing and giving us a seasonal spark of hope and resilence. God bless and continue on.

    • Thank you so much for your kind comments. I live my life the way I do because I KNOW that God exists, as He has shown himself to me in other unbelievable ways. It is easy for me to believe because I have proof.

  6. What an amazing story! Thanks for sharing it!

  7. With or without her hearing, Dinora was already blessed by the love you had already extended and would continue to pour out. We both know the Source of that love, and your faithfulness in the face of daily trials and adversities. You yielded yourself to God’s will, whatever the outcome.
    You see the miracles because you are living in a way that welcomes them. Yes, and invites them.
    Singing an unprompted, innocent “Happy Birthday, Dear Jesus” is one more example.

    • Yes, you are right that I was already blessed by His presence. In reality, it is why I have parented and lived the life I have lived. How much more awesome are those who do what I do based on faith alone.

  8. mscaregiverdonna said:

    Thank you so much for sharing your faith through that story. God truly is merciful and you indeed have received his blessing in this and in much more. God bless you and your family in your faithfulness. You are indeed his angel here on earth.

    • Thank you for your kind words. I feel extremely blessed because I KNOW for certain that God exists. It is easy for me to do what I do because of that. I am much more in awe of those who do kind things by faith alone.

  9. Wow, thank you so much for sharing this story! People need to know that miracles do happen, every day, to everyday people!

  10. As mentioned by other commenters, this kind of hopeful story is especially welcome on a day like today. Thank you for sharing!

  11. A wonderful testament..God blesses us each day…Thank you.

  12. I read this in your book, and I had to stop and read it again. Needed the reminder about God always being with us. Thanks for sharing this story.

    • Ohhhh! I am so glad that someone has read my book!!!

      • HI. By putting your book on ibooks I was able to read it with my iphone, so thank you for putting your book in a place where vips can access it. If it had been on kindle only then it probably wouldn’t have been accessible to me.

        🙂 blessings for the Christmas season.

        Maria Chapman bubbygirl1972@gmail.com

        “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” – Mahatma Gandhi

      • Having worked extensively with the blind, I wanted to make sure that the book would be available for them to download. And what better place than Apple, who has demonstrated a major commitment to those with disabilities. (Plus, I Books treats me better as an author.)

  13. Wow!!! What a beautiful, heart warming, inspiring story:-) Thanks for sharing…maybe it was the ‘Happy Birthday Dear Jesus’ that did it, soooooo sweet! May you, and yours, be blessed with miracles again and again!

  14. With all of the craziness going on in our world right now, this message offering us reminders that there are miracles out there is just what so many of us needed!

  15. journey2dfuture said:

    What an amazing story your family are truly blessed.

  16. Again, Wow! I felt your pain that evening when you lit your candle and said a prayer, but grieving your children’s loss of sight and hearing. You were being human. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  17. journey2dfuture said:

    Hi! I have nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger Award. To accept the award please see my post:

  18. Wow! Hallelujah! Thank you for sharing. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  19. What an amazing story. I am not religious, but whatever made your daughter’s hearing come back is OK with me 🙂 – What a great story to have to tell the kids too!

  20. such an incredible story! Miracles are everywhere…if Miracle not happen then it is something wrong! lots of love

  21. Thank you so much for your story. It was really inspiring…If God can do that, what cannot God do?

    • I accidentally clicked the check mark to notify me whenever someone comments on this post. I love the comments, but I am getting too many. Anyone know how to turn it off?

      • I am sorry this has happened, (although I love all of the comments.) You could go down the comment e-mails and just delete them without reading them. Think of is as spam…just click them off into the proverbial “trash”.

  22. Merry Christmas 😉

  23. G-d’s great miracles surround us every day. I am living proof of that, having been saved from certain death more that a few times, simply on the basis of prayer and G-d’s great mercy.

    May we all merit to continue to receive G-d’s grace, and see the coming of the Messiah SOON!

  24. Thank you for sharing that amazing story. 🙂

  25. you are a truly amazing person….thanks for sharing this!

  26. Thank you for filling my heart with joy while reading about your Christmas miracle! It puts me in the right frame of mind of the weeks to come.

  27. I am glad that you got your Christmas miracle

  28. I have nominated your blog for the Very Inspiring Blog Award! Thank you for making the world a better place. More details here: http://marymeddlemore1.wordpress.com/2012/12/16/post-50-beautiful-people-nominations-for-very-inspiring-blogs/
    Very best wishes

  29. Tears of joy! “God … had granted me a miracle even though I did not ask for one”. Thank you for sharing the miracle 🙂

  30. Beautiful. It is wonderful what those little angels with disabilities teach us. I’d wager they are the most profound lessons in life.

  31. catholic123 said:

    What an amazing story!! Thanks for sharing this miracle!

    • I am so lucky that I have witnessed a miracle, among a few other miracles in my life, that has demonstrated to me that the IS a God. How much more amazing it is for those who believe on faith alone. I shared my story so they could live vicariously through my miracle so that they, too, can be reassured about His existence beyond any reasonable doubt.

  32. That’s a beautiful miracle, and is so wonderful that it happened to such a special family. You are inspirational my dear at your love for these fortunate children.

  33. SleepyKnitter said:

    WOW. That is amazing and beautiful! Thank you for sharing that story!

  34. Wow – amazing!

  35. Oh my gosh! I am in love with you, your family, your blog, your humor, your hope. Wow. Thank you for sharing. I’m inspired by your love for your kids and the hope in your stories. I’m in love with your fish, Sparingly. 🙂 Thank you for writing.

  36. Miracles are happening, everyday, all around us!

  37. The world is full of moose size pawsabilities. You are proof of that! We thank you for making a moose size difference! WOOF WOOF 🙂 🙂

  38. What a beautiful story! God does hear the cry of our hearts – even when we don’t have the words! I have really enjoyed reading your words. Bless you for opening your home and your heart – you have given your kids and the world a wonderful gift!

  39. Bless you for sharing this. Alesia

  40. I would class myself as agnostic, so can’t say that I do or don’t believe in God. However, I think this story is lovely. Your blog in general is inspirational.

  41. wow! I am awed and happy. She is blessed and so are you. Lovely story. Thanks for sharing.

  42. Always overjoyed to hear the amazing testimonies of those whom God has changed and touched in such ways!! I do not say that lightly- he’s healed me of so many emotional issues as well as physical- largely at the hands of the man he brought me, my husband, Raphael.

  43. Thank you for sharing this story. He is a God of miracles and I am so thankful He is faithful and gracious even when we are weak!

  44. really a wonderful gift from above.

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